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August 29, 2008

The Williams: The beginning

The start of the Williams family seen here, here, here, and here! How lucky they are to have such a wonderful family!

August 25, 2008

The 5-day-old wonder

This handsome fellow did not relieve himself once during the whole shoot! All my fabrics stayed in great shape, which is a first for me! He also slept without taking a break to eat for 2 hours (though we did have to get him back to sleep a few times). I told mom and dad he deserved some kind of an award :). Isn't he adorable?!?

Love those little newborn grins!

I love mom's face in this shot! She loves her boy so much.

Big sister was adorable.

This cracks me up. Big sis didn't want much to do with pictures :)

By the way, I've got about 9 more shoots coming your way! Including 2 more newborns. Be prepared!!

What the Duck?

This was from a while back, but I'm so busy right now it made me think back to this :).

I love my job, all ninety-one hours of it!