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December 13, 2007

Brie and her boy

I met Brie when we were both freshman at BYU in an art class, and now she has a beautiful baby boy! He was only about a week and a half old when I took these and soooo cute! Thanks for being part of my BFA Brie!

December 11, 2007

Kaiizen is for the kids!

A couple weekends ago I got to go down to Mexico with Kaiizen, a non-profit group based out of Provo. We had the opportunity to provide Christmas to 150 kids in the Baja area. These trips are always a lot of fun, but it was especially amazing to give these kids something special during the holidays.

Brie and Hyrum

I had so much fun photographing my twin sister and her husband! We also had a lot of fun taking turns photographing each other!

(this one's me)