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June 17, 2009

This is Houston

Who's up for a shoot in Houston?? I never knew how much I would love this city, but I do. So far. My BYU photographer friend Whitney who's in town for a few months wanted to go on a walk along the Buffalo Bayou trail (I think that's what it's called) from her apt to downtown so I took my camera along. After about 30 minutes I seriously regretted it, but once we got to the rockin' parts I was SO happy. These are all taken with my brand spankin' new Canon 5D Mark II (which I'm in-love with) and the Canon 50 mm 1.2.

These were all either IN downtown or really close to downtown under the overpasses. I LOVE those overpasses.

Please forgive us for being in running clothes with no make-up or showers, but I didn't expect to love these pictures enough to blog them!

June 15, 2009

Claire Nicole

Is the name of this little beauty...

In the first picture she's only about an hour old and the rest she's 24 hours old. If you've called or emailed me without a response, this is the reason why. With labor starting on Thursday, but no baby until Saturday night (and only about 5 hours of sleep for me), plus a wedding 2 hours away (and barely making it back in time for the baby's birth), I've been a little distracted :).

She's the lovely product of my identical twin sister and her husband and I nearly cried when they told me her full name. Those are quite the cheeks, eh? 10 lbs 3 oz of adorable baby chub to love. She doesn't even fit into the newborn clothes we have for her :). I'm sitting here in the hospital on a tiny little love seat to sleep on and I'm so so glad to be here. Welcome little girl!! You are so loved.