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May 7, 2008

Bike in a tree!

I headed over to Vashon Island in Washington today with a friend and little did I know I'd get to behold the beauty of this bike.  If you have ever read the children's book "Red Ranger Came Calling" you should recognize this bike!  I was so excited when I saw this on the map and when I found out this is the bike in the book.  We read it as a family every year at Christmas.  Enjoy :) 

Michelle and Dane

Another beautiful mom and baby for my BFA project.  I'm so glad we went down to Baker Beach (she only lives 1/2 mile away, how cool is that??) and I had a lot of fun! Her little girl snuck in a few shots as well, isn't she gorgeous??  We're talking a little Gap model (really, she models).  Thanks so much!