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August 17, 2007

The New Guy

Meet Gavin! He's only 9 days old and already so handsome and definitely has his parents wrapped around his finger. I've known his dad since my first semester at college and he's the first in the group to have a baby. I'm so honored I got to photograph them! Thanks guys, you did a great job!

A BYU fan already. Soccer rules!

He has an awesome mohawk!

August 16, 2007

Michelle and Judson's engagements

Here's round one of Michelle and Judson! We'll do another shoot in a couple of weeks, but for now here are my favorites from this one! I had such a hard time narrowing them down to even this many; there are so many cute ones. Michelle was my roommate a few years back and it made me so happy to see them together. The whole shoot was a blast, especially ending in the fountain at the Gateway and the yummy Thai food afterwards :)

August 14, 2007

The Talley Family

I got to go to Tahoe for this shoot! I had so much fun with this family exploring different spots around their cabin and the lake; and everything was beautiful. Apparently, a coyote walked behind them at one point, but luckily we never saw any bears (they've got lots here). This is one of their first real family portraits and they got it just in time for Carolyn (the oldest) to head off to Harvard. I really felt like part of the family, thanks guys!