...when you have a tutu, rain boots, and amazing blonde curls? The CUTEST pictures in the world of your adorable niece. I went over to my sister's on Saturday between 2 of my 3 shoots and found that Tessa had dressed herself in one of her favorite outfits. How could I resist? I only had 10 minutes, but still managed to take nearly 100 pictures :). Thank you Kristin for buying this at a garage sale for $2 5 years ago! Can anyone argue that this isn't the cutest thing ever?
Oh my gosh, they need to be in a magazine, and I am very serious! Photos just don't get any better!!!!!!!!!!! I am just dying for you to get here and get some shots of my kids ;o)
I was looking at them again (for like the 5th time) and I think Ella agrees with me that they are fabulous, she is sitting in my lap and she looked over and started squealing at the computer (she does that when she's happy)!
I know I saw these on your computer already and you already know how AMAZING I think they are but I still wanted to comment again. I love them so much--I can't stop looking at them. They are so perfect! I can't wait to get the gallery wrapped ones that I ordered.
I am so jealous of your sisters, their kids are going to have SO many amazing pictures to look back on and remember their childhood! She is SO darling!
I'm at work, and whenever I need a boost, I open this post. How EVER is Kristin, or I for that matter, going to choose which to print???? Just fabulous!!!!
I am seriously swooning. Your family is going to have such a treasure trove of amazing photos as they get older!
Oh my gosh, they need to be in a magazine, and I am very serious! Photos just don't get any better!!!!!!!!!!! I am just dying for you to get here and get some shots of my kids ;o)
I was looking at them again (for like the 5th time) and I think Ella agrees with me that they are fabulous, she is sitting in my lap and she looked over and started squealing at the computer (she does that when she's happy)!
I know I saw these on your computer already and you already know how AMAZING I think they are but I still wanted to comment again. I love them so much--I can't stop looking at them. They are so perfect! I can't wait to get the gallery wrapped ones that I ordered.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
OMG! How could you not love Tessa!? Those are perfection!
I am so jealous of your sisters, their kids are going to have SO many amazing pictures to look back on and remember their childhood! She is SO darling!
I'm at work, and whenever I need a boost, I open this post. How EVER is Kristin, or I for that matter, going to choose which to print???? Just fabulous!!!!
Those are the best pictures ever. I wish I had ones just like them of my kids. Kelli, you're the best.
Kelli, these are breathtaking shots. I just want to hug her. She is so beautiful.
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