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This is so fabulous. You really need to do some sort of a watermark copyright.
I think that phrase is supposed to apply to Disneyland?cxuxa
Yeah, but I like it much better than Disneyland. And they have one there, so does that work?
Kelli- Glad you're back safe. Can't wait to see more pictures. The ones you've already posted are AMAZING!
Gorgeous, Very impressive!!
The City of Lights! This looks like it belongs in a travel brochure...
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This is so fabulous. You really need to do some sort of a watermark copyright.
I think that phrase is supposed to apply to Disneyland?cxuxa
Yeah, but I like it much better than Disneyland. And they have one there, so does that work?
Kelli- Glad you're back safe. Can't wait to see more pictures. The ones you've already posted are AMAZING!
Gorgeous, Very impressive!!
The City of Lights! This looks like it belongs in a travel brochure...
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