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August 5, 2009

I Love LA

And this was such an amazing way to see it.

More adventures from the rooftop and downtown with a vespa coming soon.

August 2, 2009

Linnea and Mark engaged!

I got to go into San Francisco with Linnea and Mark (and their adorable 4-year-old twins) to do a few engagements for them! I love doing shoots in big cities because there's SO much variety. I did several shoots this week in the city and they're all different.

I was doing this first picture of Linnea and Mark when the twins just jumped into the picture, lol! They are so adorable!

Mark used to play for the Giants, how cool is that?! His name is on this plaque in McCovey Park, right outside of AT&T Park.

After pictures I got to go down on the field and take some pictures! It was so much fun. Congratulations! Thanks so much for the fun afternoon!