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November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I guess I should have posted this a couple of days ago, but I forgot I had these pictures of my nephew, Ty, with his Halloween costume on. Isn't he adorable?! He was such a great model (much better with the costume on then without it)!

October 30, 2007

Holiday Cards are in!

I'm excited to say that my Holiday cards are here! Some of them were designed by me, and some by a graphic designer I hired. This isn't all of them, so be sure to check my website within the next week or so for the full selection and prices. They can be customized by color and wording and most are available in 4x6, 5x7, and 4x8. Let me know what you think!

October 29, 2007

Alison and Brian

Brian and Alison are such a fun, relaxed couple! Shooting their engagements was a lot of fun and involved a lot of laughing. I'm really looking forward to the wedding. Congratulations!